Wednesday 26 November 2014

Meeting ZOELLA!!

I went to the zoella book signing and I have never been so excited in my whole life. It was amazing I only queued for 1 and half hours and that was quick compared to most people. The men and woman that worked their came round with the books for us to read while waiting and brought round quality streets it was such a nice atmosphere. When it was time for me to meet her it was over in seconds(which isn't bad by the way). I had just met the young woman that has inspired me for pretty much everything, who videos I watch every night, the one to inspired me to make this blog. And I was lucky enough to meet her and get my booked signed, she was the most beautiful and kindest girl I had ever meet and I am still smiling. And I am so proud of her, and have been since day one and on behalf of many people thank you, even though she want be reading this,I just wanted to show support.
              Bye x x x 

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Dog walk in the countryside

I have quick photography dog walk post for You I went on a walk through the woods with my family and my dog, we really only do this curtain route once a year when its autumn/winter and is one of my favourite walks. I think the woods and countryside is a great place to take photos as you can capture many parts, as every part is different. The walk is quite a long way and at the end my dog goes and jumps into the river, realize its to cold jumps back out just before we go out for lunch.Once we had reached the end of the walk we cleaned off are muddy wellies, and went into a pub for a nice Sunday roast by the fire a great way to end a Productive day.
            Olivia xx

Sunday 2 November 2014

Clinique skin care

I went to London this week and popped in to the Clinique lab in Covert Garden. I had never been before and it said free samples my first reaction Is, I need to go inside! So I dragged my mum in. I went in and the lady asked me if she could help me. I looked strait at my mum waiting for her to answer, like most people do at the doctors when they ask what's wrong. Anyway I told the lady the problems I had been having with my skin i.e spots. The woman told me she had the same problem and told me about a kit she had used. I told her I had tried so many brands and I am still up for using more and see how my skin works with them. The lady told me not to use face scrubs as your just rubbing the dirt and dead skin back on coursing you more spots, it's actually quite obvious but I never realised. She showed me how it worked on my hand and it was a course of three, first- is a foam which you can leave on your face for a minute or so to soak in then wash it off with water . Second- is a cleanser which takes of make up and dirt on your face but wipe don't scrub. Third- is a light moisturiser where you massager. I was shocked by how different my hands looked, it was smooth and looked health and had a nice glow. So I defiantly had to try it. But the down side was they only had a actual kit not a sample. Kindly my mum brought me the kit it was £25 for a small kit quite a high price but I can tell you it's worth it. My skin has a amazing difference  already and my family members can tell. My skin looks smooth , less oily and less spotty. Everything I could of asked for I will keep you posted on how it's going in my blogs to come. 
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